Why You Should Look Into Keeping A Jar Of Coffee Grounds On Your Patio
Table Of Content Indoor foggers Use Bug Lights Best Plant-Based THE BEST IN PESTS.™ Sign up to the Homes & Gardens newsletter OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent Aerosol You’re more likely to have a mosquito issue in your yard than in your home itself, but having even a few mosquitoes buzzing around indoors can be frustrating. One of the keys to controlling mosquitoes is knowing how and where they breed. Reducing the number of places where larvae can grow, and killing them as they do, will greatly diminish the number of adult mosquitoes around you. Mosquitoes rest in dark, humid outdoor areas, such as in tall grass, hollow trees or under leaves. If they swarm around your house, treat areas under and around patio furniture, in carports or in the garage to help with controlling mosquitoes. Indoor foggers If you already have screens, check the seals around the edges and use a patching kit to repair any tears to keep mosquitoes away. We back up our pest control recommendations w...